BoomerAMG SETUP PARAMETERS: Max levels = 25 Num levels = 8 Strength Threshold = 0.500000 Interpolation Truncation Factor = 0.000000 Maximum Row Sum Threshold for Dependency Weakening = 0.900000 Coarsening Type = HMIS measures are determined locally No global partition option chosen. Interpolation = extended+i interpolation Operator Matrix Information: nonzero entries/row row sums lev rows entries sparse min max avg min max ====================================================================== 0 12796 174768 0.001 6 20 13.7 6.495e-09 5.442e-07 1 5979 168623 0.005 1 74 28.2 -1.819e+04 1.873e+04 2 1710 51754 0.018 1 118 30.3 -2.423e+03 9.501e+05 3 561 14593 0.046 3 100 26.0 -1.071e+02 1.882e+03 4 198 3720 0.095 4 69 18.8 7.402e+00 1.915e+03 5 81 1065 0.162 3 46 13.1 6.211e+01 8.664e+02 6 27 219 0.300 3 20 8.1 1.492e+02 7.907e+02 7 9 43 0.531 2 8 4.8 1.492e+02 7.898e+02 Interpolation Matrix Information: entries/row min max row sums lev rows x cols min max avgW weight weight min max ================================================================================ 0 12796 x 5979 0 8 3.3 -6.653e+01 6.569e+01 -3.124e+00 2.209e+00 1 5979 x 1710 0 8 1.8 -1.414e+01 1.894e+01 -1.414e+01 1.894e+01 2 1710 x 561 0 6 1.3 -5.381e+00 3.118e+00 -1.587e+00 4.120e+00 3 561 x 198 0 4 0.9 -8.006e-01 1.014e+00 -8.997e-01 1.014e+00 4 198 x 81 0 3 0.6 -8.216e-01 5.214e-01 -8.178e-01 1.000e+00 5 81 x 27 0 2 0.3 -5.369e-04 2.194e-02 -5.369e-04 1.000e+00 6 27 x 9 0 1 0.3 1.527e-05 2.103e-04 0.000e+00 1.000e+00 Complexity: grid = 1.669350 operator = 2.373346 memory = 2.606593 BoomerAMG SOLVER PARAMETERS: Maximum number of cycles: 1 Stopping Tolerance: 0.000000e+00 Cycle type (1 = V, 2 = W, etc.): 1 Relaxation Parameters: Visiting Grid: down up coarse Number of sweeps: 1 1 1 Type 0=Jac, 3=hGS, 6=hSGS, 9=GE: 8 8 8 Point types, partial sweeps (1=C, -1=F): Pre-CG relaxation (down): 0 Post-CG relaxation (up): 0 Coarsest grid: 0